Friday, August 7, 2009

Outing at Taman Selera

BB & GB had an outing at Taman Selera on 1st August. This outing is planned and organised by the Seniors. Good job!

Roll call.
Officers "ada gaya"!
Lt. George hard at work giving out instructions.
"Don't get too close or I tell my mother!"
Let's strategise ... how to win the next game?
This is tougher than I thought.
1-2-Pull !
Sim did a splendid job!
Captain Ball.
Snack time.
Home made ice tube is the 'hottest' property.
Parents join in the fun.
Water balloon fight.
Water gun battle.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

BB & GB Annual Camp

The Annual Camping will be held from 11th to 13th September 2009. The theme of the Camp this year is Teamwork. The Camp will start at 6:30pm at GMC to celebrate Parents Night with a pot bless dinner. Boys and Girls will perform a few items for the parents after the dinner. On 12/9 the Campers will check into Eastwood Valley for an overnight stay. There will be Outdoor Teambuilding session (guided by professionals), classroom sessions as well as games and activities. The Camp will end on 13/9, 12 noon. Registration form and detailed program will be distributed closer to the camping date. Registration fee: RM70/head for BB&GB members, RM80/head for non BB/GB members.

For inquiries, please contact Captain Andy Chew (012-8730738) or any officers.